Where can the BioLiquidator be used?
The BioLiquidator can be used for the sterilization and beneficial recycling of almost any type of protein-based material. It’s a safe alternative to burial, composting, incineration, rendering, landfill, and regulated waste disposal services (like Stericycle).
Farms / Co-Ops / Agricultural Applications
Rapid on-site disposal of mortalities to eliminate dependence on unattractive disposal operations, costly incineration, and time consuming decomposition processes.
Eliminates the need for third party pickup services, and the associated exposure risks for healthy animals.
A valuable tool for preventing, managing, containing, and minimizing the impact of disease events.
Creates a safe and beneficial fertilizer.

Emergency Disease Response
A realistic solution for on-site response to disease outbreaks.
Mobile systems are off-road ready and designed to be pulled by ¾ ton pickup-trucks.
Thorough treatment and complete sterilization of all materials, including full destruction of prion diseases (BSE, CWD, Scrapie, etc.).
The process does not aerosolize or spread airborne diseases (in contrast to air-curtain incineration).
Treatment can be monitored, verified, and documented.
The process provides immediate results and does not rely on continued risk to be managed after the SMEs (subject matter experts) have left the premises.
Meat Processing Plant / Abattoir / Rendering Facility
On-site disposal and prion destruction for Specified Risk Materials (SRM): skulls, brains, spinal columns, and other parts that if infected would be high-titre for prion material. The BioLiquidator is an approved method of treatment by USDA FSIS.
Conversion of non-usable protein byproducts into a safe and beneficial fertilizer.

Highway Departments / Towns and Municipalities / DNR
- Disposal of cervids (deer/elk) as part of a CWD surveillance and control program.
- Routine disposal of road kill, particularly diseased animals or species prone to carrying disease (i.e. rabies) or in areas that have problematic populations of predators being maintained by abundant food source (i.e. deer for coyotes).
- Units can be used in civil service, while being an integral part of a disease prevention and response plan to respond to nearby disease outbreaks (such as TB).
Fisheries / Marine Stranding Organizations / Coastal Municipalities
An easy, on-site, sanitary solution for environmentally problematic byproducts from fisheries.
Creation of a valuable, saleable hydrolyzed protein (fish emulsion) fertilizer.
Fast and effective management of sea animal mortalities (often large, stranded animals) in order to address public needs, odor issues, sanitation, etc.
A mobile solution that can be brought directly to the deceased animal on the shoreline for fast response and immediate handling, and destruction of pathogens and euthanasia chemicals. Multiple units can be used to respond to a beached whale before significant impact to the beach occurs (odor and decomposition).

Zoos / Universities / Animal Disease Laboratories / Medical Research Institutions / Pharmaceutical and Vaccine Production Facilities
On-site disposal of exotic species, diseased animals, and necropsy remains.
Destruction of chemicals, and complete sterilization (including prion inactivation).
Eliminate the public perception issues and and biosecurity risks of third party vehicles accessing the site for mortality removal.
Improve staff working conditions and morale by eliminating the need to place mortalities in small containers for waste disposers (like Stericycle, UMI, MedWaste Management, ATI, etc.).